
Women’s talks encompass a diverse range of subjects related to health, well-being, anti-aging, and beauty. These discussions focus on providing information, resources, and support to help women lead balanced and fulfilling lives. Topics include women’s health, mental and emotional well-being, skincare, makeup, self-care, empowerment, holistic approaches, and building a supportive community. These conversations aim to address women’s specific needs, promote confidence, and encourage personal growth in various aspects of life.



11:00 am – 11:45 am

Michelle Nazaroff

'Nutrition Rich Mastery: Unleash Your Inner Strength in the Kitchen’

12:00 nn – 12:30 pm

Dr. Shefali Verma

'When in Doubt, Treat the Gut'

12:45 pm – 1:30 pm

Panel Discussion: Nancy Hage, Maha Ajjaoui and Loubna El Jawharji

'Unmasking the Perfection Trap and Dismantling Diet Myths in the Age of Social Media’


2:00 pm – 2:30 pm

Dr. Summer

‘Beyond the Blues: Postpartum Depression'

2:45 pm – 3:00 pm

Roberta Darrigo

Unlock Your Best Glutes’

3:30 pm – 4:00 pm

Dr. Nada Salhab

'Discover Ageless Wellness: Empowering Women Through Lifelong Health’

4:15 pm – 4:45 pm

Fatma Almansoori

’10 Essential Tips for Personal Training Success’



10:30 am – 11:00 am

Camille Campbell

'Mastering Visual and Content Consistency for Future Business Growth'

11:15 am– 11:45 am

Jessica Alana

‘Unlocking Your Potential: Demystifying Peptides for Women’

12:00 nn – 12:30 pm

Margaret Anna Gala

'Finding Your Ideal Fitness Sanctuary: A Guide to Selecting the Ultimate Gym’


1:15 pm – 2:00 pm

Michelle Nazaroff

‘Wholesome and Quick: Nutrient-Dense Ingredients for Easy Healthy Meals’

2:15 pm – 2:45 pm

Dr. Anna Sepiolo

‘Harmonizing Hormones: Empowering Women through Bio-identical Hormone Replacement’

3:00 pm – 3:30 pm

Katrina Valenti

‘The Transformative Power of Intimate Connection: How it Shapes Every Aspect of Your Life’

3:45 pm – 4:15 pm

Dr. Heba Safwat Abdelrazek, MD MBBS

'Nutrients to Nourishment: Unveiling Vital Insights into Detoxification and Longevity'

Jessica Alana

BSc Biomedicine. CHP, Integrative Functional Medicine

‘Unlocking Your Potential: Demystifying Peptides for Women’

Embark on an enlightening journey as Jessica demystifies the world of peptides and their extraordinary benefits for women. In this presentation she will delve deep into the science behind peptides, explaining how these tiny compounds can have a significant impact on women’s health, wellness, and vitality. Discover the potential of peptides in enhancing skin health, promoting longevity, and supporting overall well-being. Join us for an eye-opening discussion that will empower you to make informed choices for your health and beauty regimen. Get ready to demystify peptides and unlock their potential!

Roberta D’ Arrigo

Head of Education, Pro-fit sport solution

‘Unlock Your Best Glutes’

  Join Roberta for an educating women’s talk that reveals the secrets to sculpting your dream glutes. Learn how to choose the perfect exercises tailored specifically to your unique body type and structure. Discover personalized fitness strategies that will help you achieve the strong, shapely glutes you desire. It’s time to embrace your individuality and unlock the path to your best booty. Don’t miss this empowering presentation on body confidence and fitness. Follow us for updates and get ready to transform your glutes and your confidence!

Dr. Nada Salhab

Clinical Dietician & Healthy Living Consultant

‘Discover 'Ageless Wellness: Empowering Women through Lifelong Health'

Join Nada for an enlightening presentation that explores women’s health from peri-menopause, through menopause, and during the transformative journey of pregnancy. She’ll outline the unique nutritional needs and well-being strategies that empower women at every stage to thrive. Discover the secrets to staying vital, strong, and full of life as you navigate these remarkable life phases. Don’t miss this insightful discussion on nutrition customised to support women through the unique challenges and joys of life. Follow us for updates and get ready to embrace ageless wellness!

Michelle Nazaroff

Holistic Nutrition and Lifestyle Coach

'Nutrient-Rich Mastery: Unleash Your Inner Strength in the Kitchen'

Join Michelle flying all the way from Australia, for an unforgettable journey of transformation and empowerment in this high nutrient cooking masterclass. Experience the power of nutrition as Michelle guides you through an inspirational culinary adventure that will not only transform your body composition but also help you build lean muscle. From learning the science behind building muscle to mastering the art of meal planning, Michelle will equip you with the knowledge and skills to optimize your body composition and embrace a healthier, stronger version of yourself with a new level of vitality. But it’s not just about physical transformation – Michelle’s masterclass is designed to inspire and motivate you on a deeper level. Discover the mindset shifts and positive habits Michelle implemented herself to go from a hospital bed to world champion. She hopes these insights will propel you towards success, both in the kitchen and in life.

Dr. Shefali Verma

Integrative Medical Doctor

'When in Doubt, Treat the Gut'

This will be an eye-opening presentation that explores the profound connection between gut health and overall wellness. Discover how nurturing your gut can have a ripple effect on your physical and mental health. From digestion to immunity and even mood, your gut plays a vital role. Don’t miss this opportunity with Dr. Shefali to gain insights into the secrets of a happy, healthy gut. Follow us for updates and join the journey to a more vibrant, balanced you!

Nancy Hage


‘Unmasking the Perfection Trap- Empowering Women through Self-Compassion in the Age of Social Media’

Join us for a thought-provoking talk that navigates the complex intersection of perfectionism, self-compassion, and the influence of social media on women’s lives. In this enlightening session, Nancy will delve into how the digital world can amplify the pressures of perfection, affecting self-esteem, mental health, and overall well-being. Discover powerful insights and strategies to break free from the perfection trap, foster self-compassion, and mitigate the impact of social media on your self-image. We’ll explore how to navigate the virtual landscape with resilience, find authenticity amidst the curated feeds, and embrace imperfection as a source of strength.

Katrina Valente

International Holistic Therapist/Relationship Coach

‘The Transformative Power of Intimate Connection: How it Shapes Every Aspect of Your Life

Join Katrina as she helps you define the feminine and masculine role in today’s society. And how making time for intimacy in your relationship leads to abundance in all areas of your life! She will help you understand why this is so important and how to get the most out of your man!

Maha Ajjaoui

Psychotherapist Wellness and Aesthetic Coach/Integrative Pharmacist

‘Dismantling Diet Myths: The Truth About Nourishing Your Body’

Join us for a revelatory talk that challenges conventional diet wisdom. Maha unravels the misconceptions surrounding nutrition and delve deep into the science of nourishing your body. Discover evidence-based insights that will reshape your approach to food, health, and well-being. Say goodbye to diet fads and embrace a sustainable, holistic approach to a healthier you. It’s time to unlock the secrets of true nourishment!

Loubna El Jawharji

Fitness & Wellness Coach

‘Rediscover YOU: A Journey of Self after Motherhood’

This will be an insightful session with Loubna as she delves into the profound journey of reclaiming your sense of self after motherhood. With a focus on shifting mindsets, building self-esteem, and adopting a fitness-oriented lifestyle, she will also explore the delicate art of maintaining a social life while navigating the everyday pressures of motherhood. In this talk, we emphasize the importance of viewing fitness as an essential facet of self-care, highlighting the significance of prioritizing your well-being in the pursuit of a harmonious life. Join us at the Women’s Wellness Show for a thought-provoking discussion on personal growth and balance. #SelfDiscovery #SelfCare #FitnessMindset #WomensWellnessShow

Dr. Summer Fakhro

Clinical Psychologist

'Beyond the blues: Postpartum Depression'

Between 10-20% of mothers experience postpartum depression (PPD), and up to 80% experience the baby-blues following birth. These are staggering numbers which have far reaching impacts on mothers, babies, and our community. Unfortunately, the awareness and resources to support mums through this period are far from where they should be.This presentation by Dr. Summer is suitable for anyone and everyone. From this talk you will get to know the signs, symptoms, and risk factors for PPD. Unlike popular belief, PPD does not always look like a mother who is sad all the time, therefore knowing the signs is essential. We will also be sharing strategies on coping with PPD and how to support someone else who might be going through PPD.

Dr. Anna Sepiola MD, PhD

American Board in Anti-aging & Regenerative Medicine

Dr. Anna Sepiolo MD, PhD

American Board in Anti-aging & Regenerative Medicine/Cosmetic &Aesthetic Gyneocologist: ‘Harmonising Hormones: Empowering Women Through Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement’

Join us for an enlightening talk by Dr. Anna Sepiolo-a distinguished expert, who will delve into the pivotal topic of Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement and its profound impact on the well-being of peri-menopausal and menopausal women.Discover the science and art of restoring hormonal balance naturally and safely, enabling women to navigate the transitions of peri-menopause and menopause with vitality and grace. Dr. Anna will share her wealth of knowledge and experience, providing insights into the transformative potential of bio-identical hormones in enhancing overall health, mood, and quality of life.Don’t miss this opportunity to gain valuable knowledge into personalised wellness and the pivotal role hormone balance plays in women’s health. Join us for an eye-opening conversation that empowers you to embrace each stage of life with confidence and vitality.


Dr Heba - Dr. Heba Safwat Abdelrazek, MD MBBS

‘Nutrients to Nourishment: Unveiling Vital Insights into Detoxification and Longevity’

Dr Heba - Dr. Heba Safwat Abdelrazek, MD MBBS

Join us for an illuminating talk as we delve into the intricate world of your body’s nutritional needs. Dr. Heba will explore the pivotal role that vitamins and minerals play in maintaining your health and vitality. She will uncover the effects of heavy metals on your well-being and various approaches to effectively detoxify your body.

Delving deeper, she’ll discuss the incredible potential of intravenous therapy and its influence on longevity. Discover the science and benefits behind this revolutionary treatment, ensuring your journey toward a healthier, more vibrant life.